Teacher Week '13: Let's Talk About Me!

August 11, 2013

This week I will be linking up with the ladies over at Blog Hoppin' for their newest linky party, Teacher Week '13! Each day of the week will have a different theme and teacher bloggers get to share their ideas through the linky. I think this is so much fun and all you have to do is link up your page with the fun button above over at Blog Hoppin'

Today's theme is Let's Talk About Me: Meet the Teacher! 10 little things about me...

1. I am a native to Northern Virginia and have lived here my whole life. It's been great but I'm definitely ready to change things up a bit and try living in a new city...in a new state...preferably where the weather is about 75 degrees all year round ;)

2. Last year I moved in with my boyfriend in DC and now we are preparing to move to Alexandria, Va. We have lots of friends in the area so it'll be nice to hop over the river and finally be neighbors with them!

3. I am the youngest of five siblings and my mom for a while was a stay-at-home mom who babysat the children of the neighborhood. Growing up I've always loved being around kids and in high school I started my childhood studies courses and eventually went to college for my teaching degree. In 2011 I finally graduated with my masters!

4. I am going into my third year teaching and second year teaching 2nd grade. My first year I taught kindergarten and that was a great experience. However, when I moved up I really found my niche and absolutely adore everything about 2nd grade!

5. I have the most amazing boyfriend ever! I met Philip...in Old Town! He's a captain in the Air Force and it's funny because growing up I always thought military boys were trouble. I'm OK with breaking my rule a little bit because he's the best thing to ever happen to me!

6. I LOVE to travel and so does Philip, which is another thing that makes us work so well. We are always looking for opportunities to visit some place new and have new adventures. This summer he whisked me away to Turks & Caicos right after school was out...like, three days after my last day in the classroom! It was amazing! I've always wanted to see a beach with white sand and crystal blue water and he brought me there!

7. I love to watch practically anything that airs on Bravo. One of my biggest guilty pleasures is the Real Housewives series...I can't get enough of it. And of course Philip puts up with it without any rolling of the eyes (another reason he's amazing, haha)!

8. My boyfriend has turned me into a foodie. He's a lover of all things food and drink and it was fun to meet someone who appreciated the different approaches to different food (but I'm not sure my waistline did!). My mind has been blown from all the various restaurants he's taken me to here in DC...it's amazing what some chefs do and I can definitely understand how cooking truly is an art form. Nowadays, I watch Top Chef and Master Chef a little differently...so talented groups of people!

9. I'm a little obsessed with Apple products...especially my iPad. I was a bit resistant to the idea of a tablet since I already had a laptop and didn't quite understand how I could use it. Also, it took me a while to get on board with the Nook app since I've always loved the feeling of holding an actual book and turning the pages. But, eventually I went a little outside my comfort zone and tried it and it's been amazing ever since. I love that my whole library is at my fingertips and I use my iPad more than my laptop for most things!

10. I'm really looking forward to moving and getting a puppy! We haven't gotten one yet so I'm not sure if I can put this as my #10 but both Philip and I are lovers of dogs and are really excited for when we can get one. He loves Dachshunds and I love small dogs so we already have in mind this is the kind of puppy we want. Our plan is to get him/her in the summertime when I'm off of work so I can spend time with them and help with training (yaaaaaay....not). They're so adorable! :)

Well, I know that's me in a nutshell but I hope some of you have learned a little bit more about me! I can't wait to read all the other posts and get to know everyone else! Be sure to link up!