Monday Made It | Box Top Container + FREEBIE

July 29, 2013

Happy Monday everyone!

I can't believe I only have a few more weeks until I head back to my classroom to start preparing for the new school year. Today I'm linking up with Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics (she's seriously amazing) to bring you this week's Monday Made It!

I saw a cute pin from a few weeks ago where they made an adorable Box Top collection bin. At my school we participate in the Box Top program where students collect as many tops as they can and our classroom submits our total Box Tops and we receive a special certificate each month if we're the top earning class.

I found out last year that my little 2nd graders are very competitive and find these little guys EVERYWHERE and are very excited to turn them in. So, I needed to find a bigger bin to have them put their little box tops in. 

As I was cleaning the house while the boyfriend was at work, I used up a container of Clorox wipes and the inner teacher in me had a bright idea. I realized that I could use this guy for my box tops! I immediately got to work and made a cute label for it, which I give to you all as my freebie! 

Download HERE

To make: 
1. Print out Box Top label provided (or make your own)
2. Laminate (found that the Modge Podge made the colors bleed into each other)
3. Cut and tape ends to container