I Tried Literati Sprout and Here's How It Went

May 27, 2020

Literati has been the best subscription we've found during our stay-at-home quarantine. Being a teacher, it also means I have more books at home to share with my students! See how it's been working for us and why everyone needs to try it!  www.littlefoxteaching.com
Referral links are used within this post. 
Using my link will give us both a credit of $5 to use towards your book purchases!

When this whole Coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. and schools began closing it was surreal. It meant a lot of things, most of which being having my preschooler home full-time and without his daily schedule and routines of going to school. This also meant that I all of a sudden had to adjust to working/teaching from home via Zoom. One of the ways in which I keep the connection going with my kinders is by hosting a daily Zoom bedtime story reading called Bonne Nuit, Miss. Kelly (which, of course, translates to Goodnight, Miss. Kelly).

I'm thankful that I still have access to our school's library, which helps provide me with the books needed for my weekly distance learning lessons as well as my bedtime stories. However, after a few weeks and I read through them I'm in need of more books to share. Meanwhile, I have my own son I'd like to keep interested in reading while quarantined - so where do I find more books?

Literati was my answer.

Literati has been the best subscription we've found during our stay-at-home quarantine. Being a teacher, it also means I have more books at home to share with my students! See how it's been working for us and why everyone needs to try it!  www.littlefoxteaching.com

I've heard of Literati through social media advertisements and I loved the concept. 5 books selected based on your child's age and interests and sent once a month for them to enjoy for a week. Afterwards, you purchase the ones you want and send the others back just to receive 5 more the next month.

So, I thought for $9 why not give it a try?

What is Literati?

Great question! Literati is a female founded and owned company based out of Austin, Texas that aims to inspire and encourage the love of reading to our youngest people! What's even better is that their selection of books are based off of "themes" versus just a random selection. This is intentional as it brings awareness and inspires conversations about your child's interests.

Subscriptions are based on age groups (0-12) and run from Neo (newborns), Sprout (3-5), Nova (5-7), Sage (7-9), and Phoenix (9-12). What's great about this is that each set of books are age appropriate and allow children to have exposure to a variety of authors, stories, and experiences - many of which are bestsellers and even a few are Literati exclusive!

Literati has been the best subscription we've found during our stay-at-home quarantine. Being a teacher, it also means I have more books at home to share with my students! See how it's been working for us and why everyone needs to try it!  www.littlefoxteaching.com

For my own 4 year old I started with a Sprout subscription, which are books aimed for 3-5 year olds. So far (we've received 2 shipments so far) I've really enjoyed the selection for him! He has a deep interest in robots and machines, so it's been great seeing how Literati has managed to find books that stick to their "theme" and incorporate robots!

Inside This Month's Box:

This month's box was full of five titles that we ended up keeping two! I've seen across Instagram that other people have fallen in love with this set of books, too!
  • Color Blocked 
  • Have You Seen Elephant? 
  • If Apples Had Teeth 
  • I See, I See
  • Bob & Rob and Corn on the Cob 
I really enjoyed each of these stories and it was great having the week to share them! By the end of our week we decided to keep Color Blocked and Have You Seen Elephant? Those two, in particular, were a favorite of Greyson's. I loved how interactive Color Blocked was while teaching about colors. The illustrations were beautiful and the story was fun and has been on rotation since we received it! Have You Seen Elephant? is another beautiful story of a simple game of hide and seek. I've been wanting to include more multicultural texts at home as well as use them as mentor texts in the classroom.

Literati has been the best subscription we've found during our stay-at-home quarantine. Being a teacher, it also means I have more books at home to share with my students! See how it's been working for us and why everyone needs to try it!  www.littlefoxteaching.com


The awesome thing about Literati is that they seriously do the bargain book hunting for you. Not only do they provide you with awesome books each month to enjoy (or keep!), they make purchasing them super easy and straightforward. Everyone knows that Amazon fulfills almost everything so naturally it would be your first stop to price check each book. However, Literati does it for you!

On their pricing page they list the Amazon price and beats it! Also, there are always books included in your box that are not fulfilled by Amazon. But, at the end of the day the choice is yours - keep the ones you want, or don't, and ship them all back using their mailing box and prepaid return labels!

Ready to try Literati?

Head on over to Literati's website or grab my referral link right here to try it for yourself! I promise it's going to be a fun subscription and especially during quarantine their light blue boxes bring so much excitement and magic for such an uncertain time. 

Why use my referral link? It instantly gives us both a $5 credit towards your box! It's just a great way to save some cash. If you have any questions, feel free to pop them right in the comments!

Happy reading!