10 Things I've Learned From Teaching Linky

July 28, 2013

You all have probably seen that one of the things I love to participate in here in this world of teacher blogging is linking up with other teachers to share ideas, lessons, funnies, etc. Well, today I wanted to link up with Miss Kindergarten and share 10 things I've learned from teaching. It's always great to read all the funny responses especially as a new(er) teacher!

#1 Slow down and take time to get to know EACH of your kids...especially those 'behavior' students. I've learned it really makes a difference when you take the time to talk with your kids and show them you care...they'll be much more willing to participate or change their behavior once they realize that it's a safe place in your classroom.

#2 You will NEVER, EVER have too many school supplies such as glue sticks and pencils in your classroom. EVER.

#3 (Actually like this one from Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera so I'll use it too...) Being quiet or whispering really does get kids' attention a lot faster than yelling

#4 Your living room, office, dining room, and any other shared space in your home will slowly be converted into a second classroom. You'll find yourself bringing projects home to cut out and assemble, resource books, etc. My boyfriend is learning this very quickly...

#5 Always be prepared. It's best to prepare your classroom for the next day the night before. Those extra 15 minutes saves you a lot of time in the morning and you won't feel rushed.

#6 Use your volunteers! If you haven't already, use parent volunteers for as much as you can during the year. I love having a copy mom to make all those darn copies for the week and a mom to give word study tests. Allows me to get so much other work done!

#7 Don't just make your room look 'cute'...let EVERYTHING have a purpose. Yeah those chevron posters look fancy and compliment your theme very well, but don't waste space in your room with things that wont be used.

#8 No matter what grade you teach, get the kids up and moving! We all know that lecture lessons are boooorrrrinnng and they are. Don't be that teacher....invite your kids up to interact with the lesson you're teaching. Your goal is to deliver instruction that will have an impact and give them experiences that they'll remember forever.

#9 Always greet your kids in the morning with eye contact and a smile and expect them to do the same. Modeling proper manners is very important, especially if you want them to learn to be courteous to each other. Also, give each student a hug or high five at the end of the day...it really means a lot to them ;)

#10 Love your job. You may not love it 100% every single day, but keep the passion for what you do every day...your kids can tell if you're not happy. The moment you don't love teaching it's maybe time to find something else. I've learned that this is a special profession in which I'm excited to wake up and get to do what I do!

Be sure to link up and share your 10 things!