Why Teachers Shouldn't Be Allowed to Wear Jeans

January 8, 2020

One of the biggest dress code debates that I've seen/heard over the years has been all about jeans and whether or not teachers should be allowed to wear them. I've worked for districts and schools where jeans are both encouraged and deeply forbidden. I understand both sides of the debate...on one hand schools want their staffs to dress "professionally" (and somehow jeans can't be styled professionally?) and to only enjoy them on days like casual Fridays (when typically paired with school-specific flare) or field trips. On the other hand there's an encouragement from administrators as long as they're tasteful and don't distract or inhibit one from from doing their job.

With this in mind, I present to you the top reasons why teachers shouldn't be allowed to wear jeans to work...

Teachers are just happier in jeans.

I have yet to meet a teacher that isn't happy to wear jeans to work. Wearing jeans allows us flexibility in our style as well as a mysterious ability to get ready in a snap in the mornings.

Teachers are more comfortable in jeans.

Teachers are constantly on their feet, but there's a large part of the day where we're on the carpet, kneeling down, picking things up, etc. Doing those things can be such a challenge when wearing dresses or skirts. Especially in the younger grades, teachers are often on the ground with their students and wearing jeans allows us to maneuver quickly without worrying on being exposed or

Teachers are more prepared in jeans.

In my last teaching position I had not only 20 four/five year olds to look after, but my school was full inclusion with students who have special needs. With that being said, I needed to be prepared to attend to those students of mine who had tendencies to elope (escape the classroom), become triggered, escalate in their behaviors, or otherwise become a safety risk to themselves or their peers. Wearing jeans allowed me to be ready every day to move and be flexible in case I had to de-escalate a situation in my classroom.

Teachers relate better to their students in jeans.

By wearing jeans, students see their teachers differently than those who wear more "work wear" style clothes. As we aim to create an inclusive classroom culture, it's important to know that how we dress impacts our student's impressions of us as their teachers. Yes, this can be debated both ways, but I believe I establish stronger relationships at the beginning of school when I can style my jeans and appear less authoritative.

Jeans can be styled professionally...

Since jeans are becoming ever so popular in work settings these days, it is possible (thanks to Pinterest) to style a jeans look and still maintain professionalism. It's all about administrators being firm and concise about the style of denim teachers can wear to work. The more specific in what is either allowed or not allowed helps cut out misunderstandings or awkward conversations.

And to be fair, most teachers dress conservatively anyways... #cardigans.

I have to know, do you agree with allowing jeans
or do you find them unprofessional?